Monday, June 6, 2011

Sage and his Daddy!!

It's official...Sage FINALLY got to spend some time visiting with his father yesterday!  This is what I know of the visit at this point:

Despite attempts to alienate David (Carlos) from Sage's life, Sage referred to him as dad at least 20-30 times during the visit, and they got to spend the time playing together.  At this point, Sage is still accompanied by his mother (and from the pictures I saw, several others from her family). I'm not sure what the decision was regarding this by the courts there, or if this will change with time.  At some point, we would love it if the two could spend some time together bonding alone, as should be their right. 

While this was wonderful news for our family, and I'm sure elation for my brother, seeing the few pictures we have from the visit only emphasizes the time lost, as Sage no longer looks like a toddler.  And, we must keep our focus on the ultimate goal here, for Sage to come home for good.  In the meantime, thank you for taking the time to read these updates, and we can all celebrate a little at this small victory for my brother and Sage.

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